Born 1980 to a normal family. After finishing my school sentnce I started couch serfing and exibeting in ppls houses. I exibeted in abandond houses and clubs showing and seling art on th streets. Thus my zeen development “ded dog press” now “ded pressed” witch has enjoyed just over 20 publications. This being a slow development I started colecting and seling trash witch I soon found to be more lucretive and actualy relevent. Trash and decay had always inspierd me as some form of natrel art, th art of god if u wil. So th mersher of trash wth art has been inriching not just for th chaos factor but for its deep reflective astetic and actualety. Hence “evl Jon’s amazing world of trash.” my multie perpose all round trash manigment efort, wich calminates in piels of trash aranged, constructed , shelved or just loos evry were I go as far as PE , Cape town and al over jhb.this is how I descoverd trolys and invented my first mobiel studio wich secerd a place in th le-atlr absa art competition as th art work its self. Since IV been in th top hundred twice. I have exihbeted with kalashnikovv twice and onece at two by two. Shown a peace at the desighn endaba and been given a stall by sasol for ther inovation sumet. My last show at kalashnikovv beeing ” ward 56 ” a serios of life drawings dun in psch ward 56 bara psch hospital. Were I spent a month for painting myself yellow and advecating satan and bananas as a better life style to premot my then latest show,” apeal ” at two by two. Curently I am living on a farm growing vegies, n gathering trash. wth a chikon named Bookbuk and a cat named satan n two wierdows.
Artist’s Statement
it is me that u lov, th theory ther of is nothing but testemnt to this. Justifecation a dream of th fact, a dream of art its self. For that ther is nothing but feeling, and thus only the waist that kils.